2023.03.04(sat) - 03.12(sun) 09:00-17:00
Shōsei-en Garden
Shomen-dori Ainomachi Higashi-iru, Shimogyō-ku, Kyoto
Opening Days
4th (Sat) - 5th (Sun) March 2023
Opening Hours
The Museum of Kyoto Annex, The Kyoto Shimbun Bldg. B1F 10:00 - 18:00(last admission 17:30)
Shōsei-en Garden 9:00 - 17:00(last admission 16:00)
※Only the advisory exhibition in Shōsei-en Garden will be open until March 12 (Sun).
The Museum of Kyoto Annex
The Kyoto Shimbun Bldg. B1F
Shōsei-en Garden
■ The Museum of Kyoto Annex:
Adult 1,000yen, University Students 500yen (Student ID necessary), Free admission for high school students and under (Student ID necessary)

Artists: Kaiga Keikaku/Kaoru Usukubo and Daisuke Ohba
Special Partner: Matsushima Holdings Co.,Ltd. MtK Contemporary Art
Dates November 18 Fri.–20 Sun., 2022Preview: November 17 Thurs.
*by invitation only Hours November 18 Fri. noon–7pmNovember 19 Sat. noon–7pmNovember 20 Sun. noon–5pm*Please note that the last entrance is 1 hour before closing Tickets Ticket details here.
Main Venue Kyoto International Conference Center Event Hall Takaragaike, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto 606-0001 Japan Nearest station: Kokusaikaikan Station on the Karasuma Subway Line (5-minute walk)

Solo exhibition “the circles open,”
rin art association
MACRO Building 5-24 Iwaoshi-machi takasaki gunma japan
Open 11:00 Close 19:00 (Closed on monday and tuesday)

Opening Days
<Main Venue>
5th (Sat) - 6th (Sun) March 2022
Open Hours: 10:00 - 18:00
<Otowa-san Kiyomizu-dera>
5th (Sat) - 13th (Sun) March 2022
Open Hours: 10:00 - 17:00
The Museum of Kyoto Annex
The Kyoto Shimbun Bldg. B1F
Otowa-san Kiyomizu-dera

”neko and matière”
2021 11/13日(Sat)〜12/26(Sun)
MtK Contemporary Art
Hours: 10:00~18:00
Monday: Closed

"The 6th prophecy -The first sentence-"

Kyoto Perspective
2021.8.7-2021.8.29/ANB Tokyo 4F GARAGE 3F GALLERY

Kaoru Usukubo
SF "Seamless Fantasy"
2021.4.10 - 2021.5.15
MA2 Gallery
Adress.3-3-8,Ebisu, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo,
Japan 150-0013
〒150-0013 東京都渋谷区恵比寿3-3-8
Hours.Tuesday- Saturday 12:00 - 19:00
closed on Sun, Mon and Public holidays
Tel.+81 (0)3 3444 1133

With "Singularity of Art" as concept in this city Kyoto that has created innovation from tradition, we aspire to create a dynamic shift in art, a singularity, where artists will focus on a global market expanding their stages to the next dimension.
Kaoru Usukubo and Daisuke Ohba – Enlil and Enki
LOOCK Galerie
Potsdamer Strasse 63
DE 10785 Berlin
February 22, 2020 – April 11, 2020
Opening: Friday, February 21, 2020, 7-9 pm
an an magazine
I introduce my favorite places in Kyoto in summer in the anan magazin.
WOMAN-Cooper and Willow-
2019.7.13 sat - 8.3 sat
aki eimizu
kaoru usukubo
akiko and masako takada
akihiro higuchi
kiki smith
laura lancaster
joseph cornell
MA2 Gallery
Adress.3-3-8,Ebisu, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo,
Japan 150-0013
Tel.+81 (0)3 3444 1133

Forces that work in resistance to existing values have always appeared during transitions in art form, which when overcome lead to a new culture, and this is not only the case in Japan. The culture of the thousand-year capital that is inherited in Kyoto has embraced new ideas and creations, helping to realise a culture with both tradition and modernism in the present. This spirit has been ceaselessly inherited by the artists, the very reason as to why so many innovative international artists continue to emerge from Kyoto.
In February 2018, "ARTISTS' FAIR KYOTO" in its maiden edition presented the artwork of domestically and internationally appraised artists and those of up-and- coming artists who were chosen under their selection, in a fascinating exhibition in the Meiji-era architecture, an Important Cultural Property that represents Kyoto. The thrilling experience of purchasing art, surrounded by artwork scattered in the eccentric atmosphere called much recognition, finally coming to an end whilst visitors were still in the midst of excitement after experiencing the beginning to a new history - an art fair that has removed its exhibition-like boundaries.
"ARTISTS' FAIR KYOTO" is a new style of art fair organised by the Kyoto Prefecture and the ARTISTS' FAIR KYOTO Organising Committee, which nurtures a new value in artists by initiating the artists themselves in market development. By creating a stage for presenting work upon the artist and audience's relationship, and a natural culture of purchasing art, we aspire to construct a platform where our next generation of artists can continue to engage in cultural activities, sustainably and creatively.
Sponsor Kyoto Prefecture, ARITSTS' FAIR KYOTO Organising Committee
Dates 2nd (Sat) and 3rd (Sun) March 2019, 10am - 6pm
Venue The Museum of Kyoto Annex (Sanjo-Takakura, Nakagyo-ku, Kyoto TEL: +81-(0)75-222-08888)
Kyoto Shimbun former printing plant (239 Shoshoicho, Ebisugawa-agaru, Karasuma-dori, Nakagyo-ku, Kyoto)
Entrance Fee 1000yen (Free for students upon presentation of student ID) *Entrance to the Kyoto Shimbun former printing plant is free

My studio and house are appeared in the “CONFORT” magazine. Feature article “Buildings with Japanease Spirit” Before the popularization of the word “kenchiku”, which originally was a translation of a word of foreign origin, the word "fushin" was used to refer to the construction and repair of architectural structures,it reportedly includes the meaning of carefully constructing structures through the exchange of craftsmen and related persons as well as the process of trial and error.
Kaoru Usukubo is wearing a jewelry watch of Louis Vuitton in this magazine.
New York Times style magazine T-JAPAN published on November 25, 2018

Kaoru Usukubo New works "An experiment based on an accidental law"
Saturday, November 24th, 2018 - Saturday, December 22th, 2018
Gallery Hours: 10:00-18:00 Tuesday –Saturday
Closed on Sunday, Monday and Public holidays
1-2-11 Higashi-Kanda Chiyoda-ku Tokyo 101-0031 Japan
TEL +81 (0)80-2243-5519

ARTISTS 'FAIR KYOTO will be held for the first time in Kyoto for two days from February 24 to 25, 2018. The concept is "Art Singularity ".12 artists who are active at the forefront of the world will be advisers and young artists will be selected by their curation. I also participate as one of the advisers.

Collection of The Sato Museum of Art
November15– December8, 2016 at The Sato Museum of Art
Minamimotomachi, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo, 160-0012, Japan
Open: On Monday through Thursday and Saturday 10:00 a.m.|5:00 p.m.
On Friday 10:00a.m.|7.00p.m. Closed: on Sunday
Permanent exhibitions are open on Monday through Friday 10:00a.m.|5:00p.m.
and closed on Saturday and Sunday.

Exhibition"Journey of Painting - Autumn"
Tamihito Yoshikawa
2016.10.21 fri - 11.19 sat
10.21 fri 18:00 -
Opening Reception
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